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Welcome to St Thomas More Parish, Campbell! Established in 1964, our parish is a welcoming community rooted in faith, with a vibrant Catholic school and the renowned St Thomas More Forum. We warmly invite you to join us in worship, fellowship, and exploring faith together. Newcomers are always welcome! 

St Thomas More Parish, Campbell is located just east of Canberra City. Once part of the Duntroon Property, this area transitioned from grazing land to a vibrant suburb during the late 1950s and early 1960s, largely populated by public servants from Melbourne.

Please introduce yourself after Mass or contact the Parish Office (ph: 0416 823 447, or Our community embraces the call for new evangelisation, as encouraged by Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis. We invite all parishioners to actively participate in the life and mission of the Church.

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The St Thomas More Parish Community