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"There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit; there are all sorts of service to be done, but always to the same Lord; working in all sorts of different people, it is working in all of them."

1 Cor 12:3-7,12-13

As in a family, we in St Thomas More Parish should all be keen to share our gifts in maintaining a vibrant and inclusive parish family. A thriving parish is one in which each person/ family participates in at least one ministry.

We encourage you to volunteer to help with one or more ministries in our parish. Consider committing to a ministry as a family. Below is an overview of some of the ministries within the parish you may like to consider. We encourage and invite everyone to commit - there is something for everyone. We thank those who have volunteered in the past and urge you to recommit for another year in the same, or a different ministry. Familiarisation and training will be provided by parish coordinators, as required.

[ Click here to download our Parish Ministry Sheet]

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) and Parish Finance Committee (PFC) are appointed parishioners representing all members of the Parish. The PPC advises the Parish Priest…
Making a worthwhile contribution to the life of any Parish community is becoming increasingly challenging in the busy world we all live in. However this…
Parish Choir: All parishoners are invited to join the choir for the Sunday liturgy. Choir practice is conducted before Mass. For more information, please contact…
Aged Care Facility Chapel Service: Mass is held each Tuesday @ 9.30am within the Chapel at the Southern Cross Apartments, Aged Care facility. Bishop Pat Power…
Activities relating to St. Vincent de Paul are held at the Parish throughout the year. For further details, please contact Kym Duggan on 0417 289…
A Meditation Prayer group is held every Wednesday afternoon at 4.30pm in the Parish Hall. For further details, please contact Contact Ann Nugent (02) 6248…